16/02 - 12:00 Athletic Club vs. Real Sociedad + matches

Legal disclaimer

1. General information.

This website, as well as any other webpages, subdomains and subsections it may contain, is the property of ATHLETIC CLUB, with registered address at Calle Alameda de Mazarredo 23, 48009 Bilbao (Spain); Tax No. G-48/074.264, recorded in Spain’s Register of Sports Associations under no. CD0000617, and with telephone number +34 944 240 877.

By using the website www.athletic-club.eus, as well as any of the subdomains, microsites and/or subsections it may contain, it shall be understood that you have read, understood and accepted, with no limitation or reservation whatsoever, the terms and conditions of use set forth in this Legal Disclaimer together with the Privacy Policy made available to you on this same website, which you are expressly advised to read, whereby the use of the same involves express and full acceptance of both the Legal Disclaimer and the Privacy Policy pursuant to the version posted at the time of access, without prejudice to the specific terms and conditions that may be applied as regards other concrete services provided by the website, whose prior acceptance shall be an essential requirement for accessing said services.

If you do not agree with the terms of this Legal Disclaimer, you are Kindly requested not to use the website, as we remind you that use of the same implies accepting the legal terms contained in both the Legal Disclaimer and the Privacy Policy.

The status of USER applies to anyone accessing the website. Access to some parts of the services provided through the website requires the USER to complete an electronic form with a series of accurate and legitimate data.

ATHLETIC CLUB reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions that appear on this website, as well as extend the content, information, etc., at any time and without prior notice, and so it is advisable to read them reasonably often to check whether any changes have been made to them.

If we should translate this Legal Disclaimer, our Privacy Policy, or any other rules on usage, policies and procedures that might be posted at varying intervals on this website, whenever there is a discrepancy between the original Spanish version and the translated version, the Spanish version shall prevail.

2. Commercial message and advertising content.

ATHLETIC CLUB informs USERS that pursuant to Spain’s Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, it shall proceed to email you information on products, services, events and activities involving both the Club and the Athletic Foundation.

Advertising: The website may host advertising content or be sponsored. Advertisers and sponsors are the only ones responsible for ensuring that the material submitted for inclusion on the website complies with the laws and permissions that may be applicable in each case. The owner of the website shall not be liable for any possible error, inaccuracy or irregularity in the content provided by advertisers or sponsors. It may not be held liable either for any moral harm the advertising material or any other material might cause to the website’s USERS or visitors.

3. Intellectual and industrial property rights.

ATHLETIC CLUB is the owner of this website’s content and its component features, as well as of any other webpages, subdomains and subsections it may contain, whereby it owns all the intellectual and industrial property rights over the same, and in particular all the source codes, texts, images, design, logos, software, animations, databases, brands, trademarks or distinctive signs, sounds and any other graphic or acoustic features on the website’s pages. This is not a comprehensive list, but rather an illustrative one, and these features are duly protected pursuant to Spanish and international legislation on intellectual and industrial property.

The USER undertakes to use the content in a due and proper manner, upholding the law, moral practice and public order. ATHLETIC CLUB authorises the USER to view the information contained on this website, as well as to make private copies (simple process of downloading and storage on their computer devices), provided the content is destined solely for personal use, as well as use it for exclusively journalistic purposes.

Apart from the purposes expressly provided for in the preceding paragraph, it is forbidden to use this website’s content, or proceed to its distribution, modification, transformation or public disclosure, by any means or technology, requiring ATHLETIC CLUB’s prior and express consent to do so, with any actions taken that contradict this text constituting a breach of the rules and regulations on intellectual and industrial property rights.

Permission is granted, nonetheless, for the use of www.athletic-club.eus, provided its integrity is upheld and that it is acknowledged that the original source is this website belonging to ATHLETIC CLUB, with it being expressly forbidden to make any use that may be misleading or inappropriate. ATHLETIC CLUB reserves the right to take whatsoever legal actions it deems convenient to protect its rights.

4. Passwords and private area.

Whenever personal passwords are required for accessing any one or more of the services provided through this website, the USER shall be responsible for safeguarding, using and maintaining them in a due and proper manner, with it being expressly forbidden to disclose them to third parties, with the USER being responsible, and therefore liable, for any loss or damage that may be caused both to the website’s owner and to all the other USERS. In the event of a password’s loss or theft, the USER shall proceed at their earliest possible convenience to notify ATHLETIC CLUB so that the necessary measures may be taken, with the USER being liable for any losses or damages that might be caused to ATHLETIC CLUB and to other USERS due to any delay in such notification.

Under no circumstances shall ATHLETIC CLUB be held liable for any circumstances that may arise involving personal data when these are due to hacking or unauthorised access to the system that cannot be detected by the security measures in place, either when due to a lack of due diligence on the part of the registered customer regarding the safeguarding and maintenance of their passwords or their own personal data.

5. Security.

This website uses the HTTPS (SSL) protocol for establishing a secure communication interface between the server and USERS for sending their personal data. Providing this service through a secure server ensures the confidentiality of the information shared between a USER’S computer device and said server, as the connection between them is encrypted using 128-bit codes and SSL protocol, which makes it impossible for third parties to access the information sent.

6. Liability.

A) General considerations.

ATHLETIC CLUB wants this website to operate as efficiently as possible and fulfil the purpose for which it has been designed, but it cannot be held liable for any possible errors of a typographical, formal or numerical nature that the website might contain, nor for the accuracy of the information featured on it, nor for any possible malfunctions or anomalies in its operation.

ATHLETIC CLUB does not guarantee that the website and the server are free of malware and it cannot be held liable for any loss or damage caused by accessing the website or, in turn, by any inability to do so.

ATHLETIC CLUB reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions that appear on this website, as well as extend the content, information, etc., at any time and without prior notice, and so it is advisable to read them reasonably often to check whether any changes have been made to them. You should read any new legal disclaimers and terms and conditions of use posted on the website. Otherwise, you should refrain from its access and use, with ATHLETIC CLUB declining any responsibility and reserving the right to interrupt and/or terminate access to the website’s content, as well as the services provided through it.

B) Links and hyperlinks.

ATHLETIC CLUB may provide a link or access to other websites we consider of possible interest to you or which are necessary for providing any one or more of the services on our website, but in no case do we have any control over those websites.

These links may be used to facilitate the search for resources that may be of interest to USERS via the internet or the management of certain services on the website owned by ATHLETIC CLUB, such as the processing, payment and invoicing of your registration for events promoted or organised by ATHLETIC CLUB.

Nevertheless, said pages do not belong to ATHLETIC CLUB, nor does it review their content, so it cannot be held liable for the same, nor for the services they might provide as appropriate, which appear and/or are available on said websites, for the operation of the linked webpage, for any use and processing of data they might make, for any possible infringements that, as appropriate, they might commit, or for any possible losses or damages that might be due to their access or use, and the link does not imply any relationship between ATHLETIC CLUB and the persons or entities owning such content or the websites hosting it.

USERS are strongly advised to read the corresponding legal disclaimers, and most especially the privacy policies on said websites, before submitting their personal data to them, and if any doubt USERS are urged to contact those websites directly to obtain more information on their privacy policies.

By using this website, USERS are considered to have read this document carefully and to have understood and followed the advice provided. If a USER does not agree with this data protection policy or with the advice provided herein, they are Kindly requested not to use our website.

7. Jurisdiction and competence.

In the event of any disagreement or dispute regarding the interpretation of these terms and conditions, as well as of any other matter related to this website’s services, application shall be made of Spanish jurisdiction and legislation, while the competent courts and tribunals shall be those in Bilbao (Spain).